Examples ======== Now we demonstrate more involved examples of what can be done with the library. Please read the :ref:`Tutorial` first to get started. Finding the distribution of mutation consequences ------------------------------------------------- Whether the mutations affect genes, cause frameshifts, fall in an intronic region or are silent SNPs, we want to know the relative abundance of these consequences: .. code:: python from collections import Counter from ICGC_data_parser import SSM_Reader counter = Counter() # Open the mutations file mutations = SSM_Reader(filename='data/ssm_sample.vcf') consequences = mutations.subfield_parser('CONSEQUENCE') for record in mutations: consequence_types = [c.consequence_type for c in consequences(record)] counter.update(consequence_types) total = sum(counter.values()) for consequence_type,n in counter.most_common(): print(f'{n/total :<10.3%} : {consequence_type}') :: 60.787% : intron_variant 17.344% : intergenic_region 8.558% : downstream_gene_variant 8.295% : upstream_gene_variant 1.657% : missense_variant 1.327% : exon_variant 0.746% : synonymous_variant 0.654% : 3_prime_UTR_variant 0.167% : splice_region_variant 0.144% : 5_prime_UTR_variant 0.103% : stop_gained 0.099% : frameshift_variant ... As we can see, rather unexpectedly, an overwhelming amount of mutations fall in intronic regions. This is worth of more investigation. Finding the distribution of mutation recurrence among patients -------------------------------------------------------------- The ICGC data allows us to know, for each mutation, how many patients where affected by this mutation (the recurrence of the mutation). Thus, one can solve the question: Do the mutations in cancer patients follow a recurring pattern? In which case, the mutation recurrences must be more or less homogeneously distributed, or: Is it that every patient has their unique set of mutations? In which case, most mutations would appear only once. Let's try to solve this: .. code:: python from collections import Counter from ICGC_data_parser import SSM_Reader # Open the mutations file mutations = SSM_Reader(filename='data/ssm_sample.vcf') # Fetch recurrence data per mutation recurrence_distribution = Counter(mutation.INFO['affected_donors'] for mutation in mutations) total = sum(recurrence_distribution.values()) for mut_recurrence,n in recurrence_distribution.most_common(): print(f'{n/total :<10.3%} : Mutations recurred in {mut_recurrence} patients.') :: 92.324% : Mutations recurred in 1 patients. 6.058% : Mutations recurred in 2 patients. 0.990% : Mutations recurred in 3 patients. 0.327% : Mutations recurred in 4 patients. 0.132% : Mutations recurred in 5 patients. 0.061% : Mutations recurred in 6 patients. 0.035% : Mutations recurred in 7 patients. 0.026% : Mutations recurred in 8 patients. 0.015% : Mutations recurred in 9 patients. 0.012% : Mutations recurred in 10 patients. 0.010% : Mutations recurred in 11 patients. ... As we can see, most of the mutations are only present in very few patients, and taking into account that the file aggregates more than 10,000 patients' worth of data, this tells us that every patient's mutational footprint is essentially unique. The Jupyter notebook ``recurrence_distribution.ipynb`` from the library elaborates on this example and shows how to plot this and fit to a power law. The presence of a power law means that the mutations present themselves as randomly as they can: |Mutation recurrence distribution| .. |Mutation recurrence distribution| image:: assets/recurrence-distribution.png Finding the distribution of mutatios among genes ------------------------------------------------ From the above example, we can see that, per nucleotide, the mutations can be considered essentially random. But, we can try to take a more coarse grained approach and quantify the mutations by gene so that it may be that the mutations divide randomly among all genes (in which case we may find almost all genes with the same number of mutations), or we may find that some genes have significantly more mutations than the rest. This is how we may find out: .. code:: python from collections import Counter from ICGC_data_parser import SSM_Reader # -- 1. Get the mutations count per gene mutations_per_gene = Counter() mutations = SSM_Reader(filename='data/ssm_sample.vcf') consequences = mutations.subfield_parser('CONSEQUENCE') for record in mutations: affected_genes = [c.gene_symbol for c in consequences(record) if c.gene_affected] mutations_per_gene.update(affected_genes) # Show partial results for gene,mutations in mutations_per_gene.most_common(): print(f'{gene:<10}: {mutations}') :: PCDH15 : 1651 RBFOX1 : 1041 CSMD1 : 979 DLG2 : 941 SPOCK3 : 929 DPP10 : 649 CTNND2 : 632 ... .. code:: python # -- 2. Now group by number of mutations distribution = Counter(mutations_per_gene.values()) :: X | NO. OF GENES WITH X MUTATIONS ---------------------------------------- 1 | 8600 2 | 3624 3 | 1638 4 | 1403 6 | 1001 5 | 877 8 | 712 ... In the script ``mutations_distribution_genes.ipynb`` we can see how we plot this data. For now, the resulting figure is the following: |mutations by gene| .. |mutations by gene| image:: assets/mutations-by-gene.png But remember that genes have wildly varying lengths: |gene lengths distribution| So, the distribution of mutations may be convoluted by the distribution of gene lengths. In order to smooth out this effect, we want to plot not the total number of mutations per gene, but the mutation density (the number of mutations normalized by the gene length). To do this we need to check gene lengths, and the easiest way to do this is via the Ensembl REST API, which we may use with the module ``ensembl_rest``. The following shows how to do this: .. |gene lengths distribution| image:: assets/gene-lengths.png .. code:: python # In order to find out the length of the # genes, we will use the Ensembl REST API. import ensembl_rest from itertools import islice def chunks_of(iterable, size=10): """A generator that yields chunks of fixed size from the iterable.""" iterator = iter(iterable) while True: next_ = list(islice(iterator, size)) if next_: yield next_ else: break # --- # -- 3. Normalize mutation counts by gene length # Instantiate a client for communication with # the Ensembl REST API. client = ensembl_rest.EnsemblClient() normalized_counts = Counter() for gene_batch in chunks_of(mutations_per_gene, size=1000): # Get information of the genes gene_data = client.symbol_post('human', params={'symbols': gene_batch}) gene_lengths = {gene: data['end'] - data['start'] + 1 for gene, data in gene_data.items()} # Get the normalization normalized_counts.update({ gene: mutations_per_gene[gene] / gene_lengths[gene] for gene in gene_data }) # Show partial results for gene,mutations in normalized_counts.most_common(): print(f'{gene:<10}: {mutations}') :: IGHD7-27 : 0.5454545454545454 IGKJ1 : 0.2894736842105263 IGKJ3 : 0.2894736842105263 IGKJ2 : 0.28205128205128205 SNORD112 : 0.18181818181818182 IGHJ3P : 0.18 IGHJ5 : 0.16326530612244897 ... .. code:: python # -- 4. Aggregate by mutation density normalized_distribution = Counter(normalized_counts.values()) :: X | NO. OF GENES WITH X MUTATION DENSITY ---------------------------------------- 0.9346% | 112 0.9615% | 33 0.9524% | 26 0.9434% | 23 1.6129% | 20 1.8692% | 20 0.9804% | 19 1.2195% | 19 ... Now we can plot this data. The code to do so is in the notebook ``mutations_distribution_genes.ipynb``. For now, the figure that results is the following: |Mutation density by gene| .. |Mutation density by gene| image:: assets/mutations-by-gene-normalized.png Plotting the mutation density in the chromosomes ------------------------------------------------ The example notebook ``mutation_distribution_chroms.ipynb`` shows how to plot the mutations distribution in the chromosomes. This is useful when one wants to compare the variations among different projects. The resulting figures are as the following one (with the chromosome and centromere boundaries shown): |Mutations in chromosome| .. |Mutations in chromosome| image:: assets/chromosome-mutations.png